Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Walking on the Sea

  Matthew 14:22–33. Walking on the Sea

1.   Review Matthew 14:22–33. Identify in writing what the reaction of the Apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
They thought that he was some sort of spirit, and they were afraid.
2.   What did Peter’s response indicate about him?
He was very eager to be like Christ, and he had much faith in Christ.
3.   According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
His faith was wavering.
4.   What did Peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter’s request?
He cried out for Christ’s help. It says that Christ “immediately” stretched forth his hand.
5.    Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life?
                The principle in the scripture is “And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.” If we look to Christ, and do all that he asks of us, then we will be filled with light and be able to do anything. There are many things that I could do to have my “eye be single to [his] glory.” I have been trying to get better at not just reading my scriptures, but really studying them. As I read, I try and find the things that I am supposed to be doing, the things that Christ wants me to do. If I keep studying, and working to be what Christ wants me to be, then I will “comprehendeth all things.”

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