Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Savior's Last Week

Choice 1: Overview of the Last Week of the Savior’s Mortal Ministry
Read the information in the institute student manual about “The Last Days of Jesus’ Mortal Mission” (pp. 135-37). Then fill in the following chart with key events that took place during the Savior’s Final week of mortality:
Day1: Jesus comes to Jerusalem and is greeted by those who knew him as “the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.” They placed palm branches at his feet and shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David…”
Day2: He challenged the Jewish religious leadership and drove those who were trading and other things from the temple.
Day3: The priests challenged Christ’s authority, and Jesus offended them by telling them a few parables. He called them hypocrites. From then on, Jesus only taught the twelve. The priests plotted Jesus’ death and one of the disciples offered to betray him.
Day4: Not much is known about this day.
Day5: Jesus and his disciples commemorate the Passover in private. He introduces the sacrament. Then he prophesies of His own death and indicated who would betray him. He goes to Gethsemane with Peter, James, and John, and goes off and prays by himself. He prays to “let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” He then suffered “the pain of all men”. Judas brought a band of men to seize Jesus, who goes with them without any resistance.
Day6: The Jewish leaders find a way to charge Jesus with two crimes, blasphemy (because he called himself the Son of God) and sedition against the state (because he claimed to be the “king of the Jews”). Jesus was executed by crucifixion. Jesus’ body was removed and buried in a sealed tomb.
Day 7: Jesus’ Body stayed in the tomb, but he ministered in the realm of the departed spirits.
Day of the Resurrection: Jesus Christ came out of the tomb alive and showed himself to Mary.  

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