Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Miracles of Christ

New post! As I have said before, please feel free to comment! 
There are many examples in the scriptures of miracles performed by Christ. Christ healed the sick, the weary and the poor, both mentally and physically. All of the miracles included people displaying a huge amount of faith. Here is a list of just a few of the miracles that He performed and the faithful people included:

Matthew 8:1-4
Jesus heals a leper
The leper shows great faith in coming to Jesus Christ to be healed.
2.      Matthew 8:5-13
Jesus heals a man with Palsy
A centurion, the master of the sick man, displayed his faith by asking Christ to heal his servant.
3.      Matthew 8:14-15
Christ heals Peter’s Mother-in-law
Peter’s Mother-in-law stands up and “ministers unto them”.
4.      Matthew 8:16
Christ heals many people that were “possessed with devils.”
The people brought Christ to the ill, displaying faith that Christ would heal them.
5.      Matthew 8:23-27
Christ quells a tempest
His disciples show faith, although small, by asking Christ to save them.
6.      Matthew 8:28-34
Christ casts devils out of men and into swine

7.      Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34
Christ heals a sick woman
The woman shows immense faith by believing that if she touches Christ’s clothes, she will be healed.
8.      Matthew 9: 27-31
Christ makes blind men see
The men had great faith and said so when Christ asked.
9.      Mark 2:1-12
Christ heals a man with palsy and forgives him of his sins.
Many people brought Christ to the man with faith that he would heal him.

I love reading about the different miracles that Christ performed. Because I know about all the miracles that Christ performed, and all the different people he healed, I know that Christ can help me when I need it. I need to have faith that Heavenly Father can help me. I know that he can because of all that he has done for His children. If it is his will, than he will help me as long as I have faith. 

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I love movies, books, and food. All kinds.