3. A really good book. I love the kind of books that you can't put down until it is over. A good book is one that actually makes you cry reading it, and when you reach the end you have a bitter-sweet feeling: you finished a really good book and you loved the end (which leaves you with a really good feeling), but you also finished a really good book and it is the end (which leaves you with a sort of empty feeling). The first Bartimaeus Book was like that, and now the cover is all duck-taped because I have read it so many times. Same with The Host (I know, Stephanie Meyer... blah, blah, blah... but if you have not read that book, I would recommend it... it's not the most amazing book in the world or anything, but it is really good).
4. Clothes that fit and make you look good. It's really hard to find that perfect dress or pair of pants, but when found, it's like making a best friend. Fitting into clothes is one of the best feelings in the world. Having that zipper reach the top without any squeezing, sucking in, or yanking is amazing!
5. A really clean and well decorated room. I really appreciate interior design. I love a room that has been well thought of, well put together and is creative. A woman in our ward, who will remain nameless, has an amazing house, that is beautifully decorated, and I love spending time in it. It makes me feel fancy or something.
6. Playing big group games... like Mofia, psychiatrist, Signs, Etc. These are my favorite kind of games... the more people, the better. I find them so thrilling, and you learn things about people that you would probably never know otherwise. I don't care if I am good at the game or anything, I just enjoy playing it.

7. A cup of hot chocolate, a good book and a warm fire on a winter day. One of the greatest things is walking home from school in the snow (this part is not so good) and then getting into fresh warm clothes from the dryer, and snuggling up under a blanket in front of a fire with hot chocolate and a really good book. Can't you see the beauty of it?

9. Complements. I don't mean to sound self-centered or anything, but it's true... and I think it's true of almost anybody. I love being told that my drawings are great, that my hair is pretty, or the shirt I am wearing looks good on me. It makes me feel really good. But I also like giving out complements. So I think it evens out.
10. Talking with my best friends. I love to talk, and it's much better with good friends. I really talk a lot. I don't mean to... it just happens... and if you know me you will know this. I can't shut my mouth. I am not a gossiper (or I try not to be) and I don't spill secrets, but I talk about anything and everything else. If you are with me and getting tired of my talking... you can tell me to be quiet. I wont be offended.
11. Getting the things that I need to done. I love it when my room is clean, I've done all my homework and exercised and done everything else that I need to done. It is a wonderful liberating feeling, because then I can do whatever I please. I am a terrible procrastinator (or would it be a really good one?) and so when I do get the things that I need to done, it is a huge accomplishment.

These are only a few things that bring me joy. If there is something that brings you joy, feel free to read it in the comments... and I will read it!
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