2. Things You are Grateful For
Oh, where to start? There is so much to be grateful for! I'll start with warmth. Especially when it is cold. I am so glad that even when it is snowing, and there is frost on the windshield and snow on the ground, I can still feel my toes (as long as I am wearing socks =])... I am not outside naked, freezing to death. So I guess I am also grateful for having a home, too. I am glad that when it is raining, it's not raining on my head... unless I want it to. I am grateful for rain. Rain is a wonderful thing that makes the world clean and nice smelling.
I am also glad I was blessed with such a wonderful family. Sure we fight sometimes, but it's not as bad as some people have it.

I am grateful for the ability to see. I am so glad I can wake up in the morning and see rays of the newly risen sun dripping through my blinds. I am also grateful for smell. I love the smell of baking. Anything baking, be it cookies, bread, bacon... whatever. It all smells so good and makes me happy. I am grateful for our sense of touch. I love the feeling of warm blankets, or clothes fresh from the dryer, the feeling of a light breeze on my face on a hot, summer afternoon. I am grateful for the ability to hear. I can't imagine what life would be like if I were def. And I don't want to. I love the sound of rain, the soft lullaby of water crashing against the window as I fall asleep. And I can't forget taste. The taste of freshly baked cookies -- snickerdoodles are the best -- practically melting on the tongue, or ice cream (there is no way to describe that!) makes me so happy I could die.
I am grateful for animals and the entertainment (and I hate to say it...food) that they provide for us. Meat is a wonderful thing, and I am grateful for the animals that give their life for it (this is making meat sound a lot worse... now that I am actually writing this...).
I must say that out of all of this, I am most grateful for my savior. Christ loved us so much that he gave his life so we could return to our Heavenly Father. His love is so strong that, even though I have never seen him, never really felt him (during this life,) I still feel his loving embrace as if real arms are wrapped around me. When I die, I want the savior to be able to look at me and be proud. I want to stand blameless before him, and him to wrap me in his arms and call me his.
I hope that after reading this, you also feel as much appreciation for these things as I do! =)
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