~The first thing that came to mind when I saw this prompt was that I had no school on Tuesday. Normally I go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but this week, there was no school on Tuesday, so it was almost a week that I got off school. Going off on that, Today is also the first day of my Spring Break, which is also a really exciting thing because... well... no school!
~Another thing is that my friend is getting baptized tomorrow! She has been getting the missionary discussions, and now she is ready to get baptized! I am really happy for her.
~I got to talk with one of my friends that I haven't seen in a few months. I love talking to her. She is one of the only people that I can talk with for hours about anything from hot men to our eternal salvation. She's great!
~I also saw the movie Knight and Day with my friends (This was actually Saturday, but... it's close enough). I thought the movie was so funny! The thing about it is it's so ridiculous, but that's what makes it funny.
~IT RAINED! I love the rain... and I live in a place where it doesn't rain all that much. I wish it would rain more often. I don't really like getting wet, but I love the sound of rain... and the smell after it rains. It makes everything seem cleaner. And greener.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
6. Your Favorite Things-- What Brings You Joy?

3. A really good book. I love the kind of books that you can't put down until it is over. A good book is one that actually makes you cry reading it, and when you reach the end you have a bitter-sweet feeling: you finished a really good book and you loved the end (which leaves you with a really good feeling), but you also finished a really good book and it is the end (which leaves you with a sort of empty feeling). The first Bartimaeus Book was like that, and now the cover is all duck-taped because I have read it so many times. Same with The Host (I know, Stephanie Meyer... blah, blah, blah... but if you have not read that book, I would recommend it... it's not the most amazing book in the world or anything, but it is really good).
4. Clothes that fit and make you look good. It's really hard to find that perfect dress or pair of pants, but when found, it's like making a best friend. Fitting into clothes is one of the best feelings in the world. Having that zipper reach the top without any squeezing, sucking in, or yanking is amazing!
5. A really clean and well decorated room. I really appreciate interior design. I love a room that has been well thought of, well put together and is creative. A woman in our ward, who will remain nameless, has an amazing house, that is beautifully decorated, and I love spending time in it. It makes me feel fancy or something.
6. Playing big group games... like Mofia, psychiatrist, Signs, Etc. These are my favorite kind of games... the more people, the better. I find them so thrilling, and you learn things about people that you would probably never know otherwise. I don't care if I am good at the game or anything, I just enjoy playing it.

7. A cup of hot chocolate, a good book and a warm fire on a winter day. One of the greatest things is walking home from school in the snow (this part is not so good) and then getting into fresh warm clothes from the dryer, and snuggling up under a blanket in front of a fire with hot chocolate and a really good book. Can't you see the beauty of it?

9. Complements. I don't mean to sound self-centered or anything, but it's true... and I think it's true of almost anybody. I love being told that my drawings are great, that my hair is pretty, or the shirt I am wearing looks good on me. It makes me feel really good. But I also like giving out complements. So I think it evens out.
10. Talking with my best friends. I love to talk, and it's much better with good friends. I really talk a lot. I don't mean to... it just happens... and if you know me you will know this. I can't shut my mouth. I am not a gossiper (or I try not to be) and I don't spill secrets, but I talk about anything and everything else. If you are with me and getting tired of my talking... you can tell me to be quiet. I wont be offended.
11. Getting the things that I need to done. I love it when my room is clean, I've done all my homework and exercised and done everything else that I need to done. It is a wonderful liberating feeling, because then I can do whatever I please. I am a terrible procrastinator (or would it be a really good one?) and so when I do get the things that I need to done, it is a huge accomplishment.

These are only a few things that bring me joy. If there is something that brings you joy, feel free to read it in the comments... and I will read it!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
5. Books You've Read
I love books! Read is my middle name. Actually it's my last name. But same thing, right? Well, I've read plenty of books. And I would pick my top ten or so, but a lot of books are tied, so I will just list a few of my favorites (they are not in any order...)

Tale of Two Cities~ I read this one for school and loved it. If you love a good romance, this one is perfect. I finished it at 2 a.m. and was balling by the end.
Harry Potter Series~ This one is great. I love how there are so many sub plots that tie so well into the main plot. And the last few chapters of the last book totally made me cry.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society~ I am very proud to have memorized that name, by the way. I thought this book was so cute! It was different because I had never read a whole book composed of letters before and I really liked it.

Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo~ Okay, okay, I know. It's a kids book. But it's my favorite kids book ever. The author describes things in such an interesting way! This is a great book for kids who are 10 or so.

You Are Special~ This is an amazing book that I tear up every time I read it. I think everyone should read that book before they die. I even have two copies of it.

Harry Potter Series~ This one is great. I love how there are so many sub plots that tie so well into the main plot. And the last few chapters of the last book totally made me cry.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society~ I am very proud to have memorized that name, by the way. I thought this book was so cute! It was different because I had never read a whole book composed of letters before and I really liked it.

Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo~ Okay, okay, I know. It's a kids book. But it's my favorite kids book ever. The author describes things in such an interesting way! This is a great book for kids who are 10 or so.

You Are Special~ This is an amazing book that I tear up every time I read it. I think everyone should read that book before they die. I even have two copies of it.
Monday, March 14, 2011
4. Places You Want to Go
There are so many places that I want to go! I really want to visit everywhere! Here are the top 5 places that I want to visit.
1. Ireland. It sounds really pretty and I've seen a few pictures. I think it sounds really beautiful. I want to visit a town that is small with old houses and cobblestone streets.
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A statue at Ghibli Museum. The character is from Castle in the Sky |
2. Japan. I am fascinated with their culture. I really want to visit the Ghibli Studio Museum. For those of you who don't know what it is, Ghibli Studios is like the Walt Disney of Japan. Hayao Miyazaki (the director) is amazing. Some of the movies they have made are The Cat Returns, Kiki's Delivery Service, Howl's Moving Castle, and Ponyo. At the museum they have statues of the characters, paintings, and a lot more. I also want to go to Japan to try their toilets (I know this sounds really funny... but they have toilets that have, like, 30 buttons on them... and each one does something different!) There are other reasons I want to go there, but these ones are on the top.
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I believe you can actually go into those houses |
3. I really want to go to New Zealand. That is where they filmed the Shire in Lord of the Rings, and if you've never seen Lord of the Rings, the Shire is the most beautiful place ever. I would love to live there. And I believe that you can go and see where they filmed the Shire and you can pretty much see Hobbiton. I think that would be the coolest trip ever!
4. Somewhere in Europe (I know I already mentioned Ireland). Maybe a tour of Europe or something... Anywhere in Europe would be fantastic. One of my friends went to Europe a while back, and when I saw the pictures, I knew that that is where I wanted to go. I would love to see the Castles, especially.
5. Anywhere foreign. I have never been outside of the United States, and I really need to go. And when I say anywhere... I don't really mean it. Please don't throw me in the middle of the Sahara or anything. I would like to go somewhere livable. Preferably with working toilets and food. =)
3. Places You Have Been
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Tanners Flat |
In Utah, my family and I camped at a place called Tanners Flats, or something like that. It was really beautiful! We would camp next to the river and play in the water. It was so great! One time we went up there with my extended family on my dad's side. It was one of the best camping trips ever.
I remember one time we camped in Colorado. I don't remember much about it, but I do remember that it was very foresty. It was a really beautiful place, too.
Another place I've been is Goblin Valley. I think it's called that because it has large structures that kind of look like goblins... if you squint... and use most of your imagination. I loved going there. My brothers and I would climb on them and jump from one to another. Sometimes we would find a cave and crawl through it. There was always somewhere to explore and always something to do. That was also a great place to camp.
I've also been to Disneyland. I think I've been there more than once, but I can only remember one time that we went. It was a lot of fun, though, and I loved it. They don't have enough really good roller coasters, which are my favorite kind of ride (Especially the really scary ones). But it was really cool to see everything. The Disney Castle is quite a site to see, too. It was really pretty.
I've also been to an amusement park called Elitch Gardens, which is a Six Flags in Denver, Colorado. I used to go there every summer. My favorite ride there is called the Mind Eraser.

The last place that I want to talk about is the LDS Temple. I've been to a few, and the feeling there is indescribable. There is a peace that surrounds you, whether you are inside the temple or not. And all the temples are so beautiful, too, with lots of plants surrounding it. When I go to the temple, I forget all my problems and worries, and am able to feel calm. I wish I could go more often, because I love how it feels.
Friday, March 11, 2011
2. Things You are Grateful For
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I am also glad I was blessed with such a wonderful family. Sure we fight sometimes, but it's not as bad as some people have it.

I am grateful for animals and the entertainment (and I hate to say it...food) that they provide for us. Meat is a wonderful thing, and I am grateful for the animals that give their life for it (this is making meat sound a lot worse... now that I am actually writing this...).

I hope that after reading this, you also feel as much appreciation for these things as I do! =)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
1. People Who Have Influenced or Inspired You
Okay, I know I haven't written for a while. A long while. But I really had nothing to say. But now I know what I am going to write about. I found a list of things to uplift your spirits. I have decided to answer one (maybe two) every day and include my thoughts on it. The list can be found here... http://demandingjoy.com/?p=1027
1. People who have influenced or inspired you
~ My mom. She is absolutely amazing. Her entire day is filled with taking care of kids, feeding kids, cleaning up after kids, and helping kids with their homework. And she is still in a good mood (most of the time). Because of her, I have learned how to work hard and organize my time well. I also know how to argue without making any real points and get people to say things that they don't mean too. I also appreciate her sense of humor. I am so glad I was blessed with a mom who actually thinks things are funny. I know that I can be a good mom because I have learned from her.
~My dad. I love my dad. He works hard to support his family every day. Then when he is home, he fixes things that need fixing (the internet, my door, the sink, etc.). And he is so calm about everything. He almost never gets mad and he is also really funny. I'm so glad he's my dad!
~My favorite older sister. She is wonderful. Without her, I believe I would have failed half my English classes. And barely passed the other half. She is amazing with words and knows just how to say something. She is also very creative when it comes to things that she needs. Who knew a shelf could be made out of a cardboard box? Anything she needs, she doesn't wait for someone to help her. She just gets it done.
~My friend, Heather. She is so inspirational because she wanted to be in my blog. So this is for you, Heather. =)
~ Gordon B. Hinckley. He was an amazing prophet, and I know we shouldn't pick favorites ( they are all favorites) but he is more favorite then the others. The way he spoke... the message was so clear and blunt. I understood him so well. He said "Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others...By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves." How can you get any clearer than that?
~ Joseph Smith. He was willing to suffer anything for what he believed. He went through so much and still wouldn't deny Christ. He was very loving and forgiving. We are studying the Doctrine and Covenants in seminary this year, and more and more my appreciation grows for Joseph Smith.
~Nephi. He is my favorite Book of Mormon prophet. Even though his brothers were always murmuring, Nephi still loved and prayed for them. He had the strength and courage to do what the Lord said without question. In times of trouble, he always turned to the Lord first.
1. People who have influenced or inspired you
~ My mom. She is absolutely amazing. Her entire day is filled with taking care of kids, feeding kids, cleaning up after kids, and helping kids with their homework. And she is still in a good mood (most of the time). Because of her, I have learned how to work hard and organize my time well. I also know how to argue without making any real points and get people to say things that they don't mean too. I also appreciate her sense of humor. I am so glad I was blessed with a mom who actually thinks things are funny. I know that I can be a good mom because I have learned from her.
~My dad. I love my dad. He works hard to support his family every day. Then when he is home, he fixes things that need fixing (the internet, my door, the sink, etc.). And he is so calm about everything. He almost never gets mad and he is also really funny. I'm so glad he's my dad!
~My favorite older sister. She is wonderful. Without her, I believe I would have failed half my English classes. And barely passed the other half. She is amazing with words and knows just how to say something. She is also very creative when it comes to things that she needs. Who knew a shelf could be made out of a cardboard box? Anything she needs, she doesn't wait for someone to help her. She just gets it done.
~My friend, Heather. She is so inspirational because she wanted to be in my blog. So this is for you, Heather. =)
~ Gordon B. Hinckley. He was an amazing prophet, and I know we shouldn't pick favorites ( they are all favorites) but he is more favorite then the others. The way he spoke... the message was so clear and blunt. I understood him so well. He said "Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others...By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves." How can you get any clearer than that?

~ Joseph Smith. He was willing to suffer anything for what he believed. He went through so much and still wouldn't deny Christ. He was very loving and forgiving. We are studying the Doctrine and Covenants in seminary this year, and more and more my appreciation grows for Joseph Smith.

~Nephi. He is my favorite Book of Mormon prophet. Even though his brothers were always murmuring, Nephi still loved and prayed for them. He had the strength and courage to do what the Lord said without question. In times of trouble, he always turned to the Lord first.
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About Me
- Savannah
- I love movies, books, and food. All kinds.