Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time!

Christmas Time! It's Christmas! I love Christmas! Everything about it makes me happy; the baking, the singing, the giving, the decorations, and everything else. I've decided to make a list of the 12 best things about Christmas (one for each day of the 12 Days of Christmas) They are not in any particular order. Here we go...
1. Making cookies (my favorites are snicker-doodles)
2. Singing Christmas songs wherever you go, as loudly as you can...
3. Wearing Santa hats
4. Wearing other Christmasy decor
5. The Christmas lights... especially when you go full out
6. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree (NOT fake, the real thing)
7. Shopping (For gifts, of course)
8. Candy Canes (I love candy canes)
9. Even though some people don't think of it this way, it's the celebration of the birth of the Savior!
10. Getting family together, and having a huge dinner
11. The over all spirit of Christmas... people tend to be happier around this time
12. All the food. Food is so good. And people can enjoy it together. =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Laugh... it's good for you.

All human beings deal with stress. If you have had absolutely no stress in your life, you should be asking your parents where you really came from. Stress can come from anywhere: relationships, school, sports, family, and a whole lot more. Stress can be damaging in a lot of ways. It can affect your mood, your social life, your grades, and even your health. It can give you headaches and back pain. It makes your life worse. 
So why deal with it? I am sure that you have heard the phrase "Laughter is the best medicine," and although it isn't the cure for cancer, it can help you with stress. If you wake up in the morning, feeling unhappy, don't act that way. Act like it is the best day of your life. Smile at everyone who passes you, talk to people. Not only will it help you feel better, it will make people like you more. Nobody wants to talk to a Grinch. If you do something stupid, don't wallow in misery, laugh it off, learn to laugh at yourself, and accept your flaws. Accept who you are. 
Click here for more information on laughter. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hi, there!

So... I have never blogged before...this is my first time ever. I don't know what I will be writing about... I have no plans. Absolutely none. I usually don't. Even when writing essays. I just start writing... and it has worked out okay so far. So this blog will probably sound pretty random... with no direction anywhere... it will just be a stream of consciousness, a compilation of thoughts, experiences, and issues that come to me as I write. 

The reason I titled my blog "Drawing the Line" is because of a quote that says "Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere." As I will be including some of my art on this blog, it seemed to fit quite nicely. 

About Me

I love movies, books, and food. All kinds.