2. I got a really good grade on my English research paper that I put my sweat, blood, and tears into! For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, my English class had to write a 16 page research paper for our Senior Project. I researched color psychology (which is really fascinating, by the way) and got it all done. I spent a whole lot of time on it... practically died writing it... and now it is all done and I never have to think of that agian!
3. I got a dorm with my best friend! I am so excited to go to college and now I get to share that experience with one of the best people in the world!
4. I got my driver's licence! I kept putting it off for the longest time until my sister left, and there was no one to drive me anywhere... so I had to get my licence. So, now I have it and I can go where ever I want when ever (with my parents' permission... of course)

7. I made a new friend, invited her to church, and got her baptized! =) I am so glad to have brought her to the truth. The church has brought so much happiness to her life... and I am so happy for her!
And of course, there are a lot of good things that happened. But I am not going to list them all... =)